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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Story I Was Afraid to Share...

The Story I Was Afraid to Share...

Do you know why I got into fitness & personal training?  I'll give you a very private look into why....

I was the chubby kid that people made fun of. I didn't have many friends, and I lacked any sort of confidence, even though many people would see it differently.  I was great at pretending that I didn't care what people thought of me when they teased me, but I was dying a little bit inside with every word.  

Always the "pleaser" to try to "fit in" to try to get people to like me, which only seemed to leave me hurt & broken.  Even my mother, who I love, was hard on me as I grew up, telling me I was fat, ugly, stupid and never good enough, so I never felt that I was "good enough" for most of my life.  I was always looking for acceptance, looking outwardly for fulfillment, but it never came.  I tried to find love in all the wrong ways, looking for ways to make me feel like I was worthy, but it never came.  

But as I developed my love for health & fitness, it was my release, it was my salvation, it was my freedom from those feelings, and it made me stronger physically, emotionally, and mentally.  I realized I shouldn't look outwards, but I should look inwards and see WHY I felt the way I did about myself.  

When I started to train at the gym I didn't look to anyone else for acceptance; I was competing against myself when I worked out.  As I started to gain strength with my body, I started to gain strength with my mind.  I realized it was something that no one could take away from me, that this was for me.  You see, I was always giving to so many others, I was running on empty most of the time, and this was my way to refuel me.  

Becoming healthy and making fitness a lifestyle, made me more independent, gave me more confidence, more self-worth, a more healthier body image.  But the most important lesson it taught me was to bring balance into my life & to realize I was good enough the whole time.


I want YOU to feel self-confident. I want YOU to feel you healthy & strong.  I want YOU to be a healthy role model for your family.  I want YOU to know YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH.  I want YOU to have a healthy body image.  You CAN be in amazing shape. You CAN feel like you're WORTH it.  You CAN gain your independence.  I want YOU to know it's within YOU this whole time; you just have to unlock that door & I want to help you get there.  

Start your journey with me....Click here

From my heart out to the world,

This song has always made me think of my journey & I thought I'd share....


  1. Jeannie:
    Don't put your "salvation" in your body! Someday it will die! It is only because you are created in His image that you are truly special!!
    Colleen D'Angelo

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